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“Humans’ actions are the best interpreters of their thoughts“
John Locke

It is not possible to run Good Business with a bad ethics.
Sustainable development and ethics are core part of our activity and represent the guide principles which inspires our business.
Our actions intend to be the first solid example to demonstrate our daily commitment in running our mission, this CODE OF ETHICS is our thought.


Maison M Group S.p.a. adopts a Model elaborated from D.lgs. 231/2001, as it is sensitive to stakeholders’ expectations and it is aware of the importance and the value coming from a good inside control system, which is suitable to prevent offences among their employees, administrators, consultants and partners. Model 231 and its effective application enable Maison M Group S.p.a. to benefit from the D.lgs. 231/2001, it improves its Corporate Governance in limiting the risk to commit violations. The aim of Model 231 is to create a well-structured and organic system of procedures and activities, that might reduce violations through the identification of Sensitive Process. The principles and contents of Model 231 are aimed to determine full awareness about sensitive process, not allowed actions and good practice rules in every subject involved. Furthermore, Model 231 enable to prevent any unlawful behaviour through the constant activity of the Watch Structure on staff work, in respect of the Sensitive Process and the imposition of disciplinary measures or contractual sanctions.


Aziende Modenesi per la Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa is a Modena district network of companies, from different sectors and sizes, aiming to promote the principles and practices of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).