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Eighth Avenue 487, New York 
Phone: +387643932728
Phone: +387123456789


Maison M Group S.p.a. has been operating in the Modena district since 1972 and today, 45 years on from the day it was born, is one of the most internationally renowned and appreciated players in the creation, planning, engineering, development, prototyping and manufacturing of menswear and womenswear for the most prestigious global designers and labels. The company operates solely and exclusively for premium and catwalk collections.

This very talent in proposing and creating fashion is rooted in the Italian humus and national genes, and in Emilia Romagna’s cultural environment especially, and has a special attention to beauty and craftsmanship of absolute perfection. Many years of experience in the production chain ensures special relationships with the suppliers and sharpens the execution skills, allowing every single production stage to be even more accurate.

Focus on excellence, regarding products as well as clients, led to a radical evolution in every side activity aimed to enhance brand partners’ goals, in the short term as well as in the medium and long term.

Maison M Group S.p.a. can thus play an important part as a merchandiser through a consistent offer of product supply, matching materials and manufacture to meet provisional and actual costs determined by the commercial team and the company board.

Having worked with the global fashion scene’s important players and realized start up collections of new young designers, Maison M Group S.p.a. knows the needs and demands of established and mature markets.

In order to offer coherent answers and solutions to the substantial changes of the last few years, Maison M Group S.p.a. has fine tuned strategic layouts which enlarge the range of its services and product industrialization. The opening of an operational showroom in Milan’s fashion district – and the debut of a second venue in Paris by the end of the year – has further simplified information flow with partners and meetings with their creative departments

The company is structured to be a valuable external source able to collaborate with clients with a 360 degrees approach. Maison M Group S.p.a. guarantees stylistic support in creating a collection; technical support in models and prototypes product design; production fine-tuning with technical files for development and placement.

Together with coordinating all the most important steps to achieve the best production chain, Maison M Group S.p.a. focuses on the supply chain’s logistics to better control its performances and improve its efficiency. Also important are the established relationships – through one to one collaboration –with production and direct products delivery to multi brand retailers and Italian department stores


Our suppliers performance in environmental, social and governance fields are evaluated through a software released by CERVED that let Maison M Group S.p.a. to store data collected through ESG questionnaires.

The project has been completed with a steady ESG data measurement collected with regular “ESG assessment” requested to all companies, Maison M Group S.p.a. included.

In order to improve its cybersecurity and reduce the IT management complexity, Maison M Group S.p.a. has selected one of the most updated cybersecurity software and moved to cloud solutions with the aim of an integrated analysis and management within different department.